main :: IO ()

main = do

    putStrLn ( "" ++ githubUser )

    putStrLn ( "" ++ twitterUser )

    putStrLn ( "" ++ linkedinUser )

    putStrLn ( "14D4 0CA1 E1A8 06A0 15C4 A06B 372E C33E B388 121A" )

    where twitterUser = "mpmlopes"

          linkedinUser = "mpmlopes"

          githubUser = "mlopes"

2019-04-26 12:36:00 +0100 -

← Previous in this series: Function Properties

In the previous chapters we’ve mentioned currying and partial application. Let’s try to give some clarity as to what those two things mean.


Currying is a simple concept that is a bit hard to pass across, if you never came across it before. Let’s say you have a function f that takes 3 Int values, x, y, and z and returns a value r of type String, in Scala the signature would look something like this def f(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int): String. You can also think of it as a function that takes x and returns another function that takes y and z, and returns r, like def f(x: Int): (Int, Int) => String. In turn, you can do the same thing with the return function and make it into a function that takes y, and returns a function that takes z and returns r. So, you end up with a function def f(x: Int): (Int => (Int => String)), or, because => associates to the right, we can lose the parentheses, and end up with def f(x: Int): Int => Int => String, using syntax sugar def f(x:Int)(y: Int)(z: Int): String.

What we did here, was we broke down our 3 parameter function into 3 functions that take 1 parameter each. The possibility of treating functions like this was developed and proved by mathematicians, amongst them Haskell Curry, after whom the technique was later named, as well as Haskell the language.

Uses of currying

In Haskell, all functions are curried by default. This means that if you declare a function with more than one parameter, behind the scenes that functions just takes one parameter and returns another function that takes one parameter and so on. In Scala, functions are not inherently pure, so you have to manually curry a function, because if a function performs a side effect the interpreter won’t know if it can partially apply it without breaking it’s procedural order, for example, in the case of a function that requests input from the user, that action doesn’t depend on the function inputs, but subsequent instructions on that function might. So, if you want a function to be curried, you have to explicitly say so and take responsibility to not break it. The example above would become def f(x:Int)(y: Int)(z: Int): String, meaning that the function is now curried.

But why would we want to curry a function? That takes us to the next section. Partial application.

Partial Application

If a function with arity greater than 1 (a function with more than 1 parameter), becomes a function with arity of 1 that returns another function, then, we can always call the function with only that parameter back. This is called partial application. So, for example, if you have the following function:

f :: Int -> Int -> Int -> String
f x y z = show (x + y + z)

You can always partially apply it, by calling the function without passing all of the three parameters, for example f 2 would return a function of type Int -> Int -> String and f 2 3 would return a function of type Int -> String. In Scala, the above example calls would be f(2) and f(2)(3), given that f had been declared as curried.

An example of how this can be useful, can be seen with Haskell’s fmap function, but not with Scala’s map method due to Scala being OO and the thus the value we’re mapping over becoming an implicit instance on the method. So, the signature of fmap is fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b, so, we can do the following:

add2 :: Integer -> Integer
add2 x = x + 2

fmap add2 $ Some 3

The result would be Some 5, because we’re mapping the add2 function over the Some value. Another thing we could do is partially apply fmap:

add2InF = fmap add2
:t add2InF

Because :t shows the type of an expression, we will see that the type of add2InF is add2InF :: Functor f => f Integer -> f Integer, we’ve partially applied fmap to lift our add2 function so that it now can be applied to a value in the context of f We can now do:

add2InF $ Just 5

which results in Just 7 1


add2InF [1,2,3]

Which returns [3,4,5]

In Scala, currying and partial application are often used when a function require parameters that are configuration/dependencies and parameters that are the values it will act upon. That way, we can partially apply the configuration/common dependencies, and get back a function that takes only the values. For example:

def transform[A, B](parser: Parser[A])(value: A): B = ???

By passing a parser to transform, we get back a function that takes a value of A and returns a value of B, which we can use with any A, without having to repeatedly pass the parser around.

It’s worth mentioning, that, as pschwarz commented bellow, in Scala you can curry functions at run time, so an adapted version of his example (with some minor changes for ease of understanding to newcomers):

val add = { (x:Int , y: Int)  => x + y }

val add3 = add.curried(3)

val result = add3(5)
// result: Int = 8

Next we’re going to take a look at type parameters, before diving into the basics of what is an effect system, and what benefits it can bring us.

Next in this series: Type Parameters →

  1. The $ is a precedence operator and it’s there to tell the compiler to evaluate the Just 5 before trying to apply add2InF. If it wouldn’t be there, then it would try to apply add2InF to Just and then pass 5 as a parameter to the result. This would not type-check and therefore wouldn’t compile. 

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