main :: IO ()

main = do

    putStrLn ( "" ++ githubUser )

    putStrLn ( "" ++ twitterUser )

    putStrLn ( "" ++ linkedinUser )

    putStrLn ( "14D4 0CA1 E1A8 06A0 15C4 A06B 372E C33E B388 121A" )

    where twitterUser = "mpmlopes"

          linkedinUser = "mpmlopes"

          githubUser = "mlopes"

2013-03-08 11:15:00 +0000 -

Anyone who ever used haxe as certainly noticed that it is a very promising language, with some very promising frameworks and libraries. NME specially is a very promising framework that didn’t fail to amaze me on how good it is at getting a single codebase to compile to several platforms. On the other hand, all of these projects seem to miss documentations and some guidance in general, and for someone who’s suddenly interested in giving it a try, it can be a bit painful to get going. I experienced such a situation recently when trying to do some TDD with haxe.

What to choose?

The first problem to overcome was, choosing a testing framework. Haxe itself has a small native testing API, but it looked very basic, and so I decided to look for something else. The Haxe community doesn’t seem much like a test driven community yet and it wasn’t easy to find comparisons or documentation that would let me fairly compare any of the testing frameworks I came across.

I ended up choosing munit because it seemed slightly better documented and it also seemed to be an relatively active project.

Installing and configuring munit

The documentation on how to install it is pretty good, and install it ended up being quite easy. Just run the following command:

$ haxelib install munit

Then, we need to configure munit for the project we want to test. Let’s say our project is called MyAwesomeProject. From inside the project folder do:

$ haxelib run munit config
Massive Unit - Copyright 2013 Massive Interactive. Version 2.0.0
Configure munit project settings
test src dir (defaults to 'test') :
output build dir (defaults to 'build') : deploy
report dir (defaults to 'report') :
target class paths (comma delimitered, defaults to 'src') :
hxml file (defaults to 'test.hxml') :
resources dir (optional, defaults to 'null') :
templates dir (optional, defaults to 'null') :
coverage packages (optional, defaults to 'null') :
coverage ignored classes (optional, defaults to 'null') :

This will ask a few questions about the folders where your tests, source code and compiled files will be, and create a .munit and test.hxml files. The .munit file will contain the folder configuration for our project. So assuming our project tree looks like the following:

 |-- deploy
 |-- report
 |-- src
 +-- test

The .munit file should look something like this:


We should now be able to run an example test, by executing the following command:

$ haxelib run munit test

This of course is not very useful, but we can now start creating our own useful tests. Let’s assume we’re going to create a test for our Game class in the com.MyAwesomeCompany.MyAwesomeProject package. I couldn’t find a way to mirror the exact path name for the tests, as the package name would conflict with the unit under test package name. Because of this, I decided to use the following rule: Assuming our package and class names are named as in the example referred above, my test will be called GameTest inside a package called com.MyAwesomeCompany.MyAwesomeProjectTest To create this test class, we can run:

$ haxelib run munit ct com.MyAwesomeCompany.MyAwesomeProject.GameTest

This will create a test template that we can then edit and add our tests.

NME and other libraries

To be able to test Classes that use libraries such as nme or actuate, we need to add them to the configuration for every target on the test.hxml, as on the example below:

## Flash 10+
-main TestMain
-lib munit
-lib hamcrest
-lib nme
-lib actuate
-cp src

-cp test
-swf-version 10


You’ll only need the --next on the last line if other configurations ensue.

Some extras

To make it easier to run the tests, I created a couple of aliases to be able to run tests faster. Because the flash target compiles faster than the CPP targets, I create an alias munit that runs the tests for the as3 target only.

$ alias munit="haxelib run munit test -as3"

And an alias munitall that runs the tests for all the targets configured on the test.hxml file.

$ alias munitall="haxelib run munit test"

We can add these to one of our shell configuration files so they’re available at all times.

Mocks and Matchers

Unfortunately, due to poor documentation, I’m not completely sure if there’s any mock support directly on munit, but from what I could see, it seems there’s not. I found a few mock libraries, but couldn’t yet decide which one should I use, and how compatible they are with munit. A similar situation happens with matchers, munit uses a hamcrest port for haxe, but I couldn’t find any documentation on how to access these matchers or which ones does this port implement. Hopefully with time, as I write tests I’ll find more about both mocks and matchers, at which time, I’ll surely add a new post about it.

Follow me on twitter @mpmlopes