main :: IO ()

main = do

    putStrLn ( "" ++ githubUser )

    putStrLn ( "" ++ twitterUser )

    putStrLn ( "" ++ linkedinUser )

    putStrLn ( "14D4 0CA1 E1A8 06A0 15C4 A06B 372E C33E B388 121A" )

    where twitterUser = "mpmlopes"

          linkedinUser = "mpmlopes"

          githubUser = "mlopes"

2014-08-08 12:00:00 +0100 -

Ever thought about all of those rules, laws and guidelines for software development? Ever noticed what all of those good practices have in common? That’s right, they all boil down to simplicity. Keep things as simple as possible, but not simpler than that.

That’s the topic of this short talk I’ve delivered internally at Inviqa. It focused on identifying the pitfalls that can lead you into adding uneeded complexity and how to avoid them.

The slides can be seen bellow:

Follow me on twitter @mpmlopes